- 5. ABTOMO6H/Ib ABWXETCSI CO CKOpOCTbIO 10m/c . C KaKoủ OH AOJI- XKEH ABHraTbC& ZUIS TOTO, 4TOÓbI ero KHHeTHYeCKas _3HeprHs yBenHuWIaCb BJBOe? A. 40m/c b. 20m/c; B. 5m/c r. 2,5m/c; A. 10^1/2M/C E. M/C
- 1. Teno Maccoil m ABHXCETCA CO ckopoctbio V?Kakon HMrryine Tena? A. (moverrightarrow (9)^2)/(2) ; b. (mv^2)/(2) B. mv^9 (mv)/(2) in moverrightarrow (v) E. (mbar (9))/(2)
- 1. Teno Macco# m ABHXKeTCA CO CKOPOCTbIO V?KakoB HMrrysibc rena? A. (moverrightarrow (v)^2)/(2) ; b. (mv^2)/(2) ; B. mv ; I. (mv)/(2) ; A. moverrightarrow (9) E. mo
- What det ermines the format of the expe rimental value being studied - what does its accuracy depend on? an expe rimental result is alw ays rounded freely , at the will o f the experimenter It depends on the format of all direct meas urements invol ved in calc ulating the desired value It depends on all numerical data in the formula used for the calculation It depends on the accuracy of all
- What determines the format of the experimental value being studied - what does its accuracy depend on? an experimental result is always rounded freely at the will o f the experimenter It depends on the format o fall direct measur involved in calculating the desired value It depends on all numerical d a ta in the formula used for the calculation It depends on the accuracy of all
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