- There is a magnetic field in a solenoid of finite length 1-uniformly in the central part of the solenoid; 2- decreases as it gets closer to the edges; 4-increases as you move away from the center of the solenoid; 8 - invariably along the entire length of the solenoid. Specify the sum of the correct statement numbers.
- The change in the strength of the current flowing through the electron lamp in the laboratory installation is performed... 2) ...by changing the voltage between the cathode and the lamp grid. 4) ...changing the lamp type. 8) ...by changing the temperature of the cathode. Specify the correct approval number.
- The formula for ting the velocity is pres ente d in the form; V=S/t S is the measured distance e that the body has t raveled in time t. Indicate what t ype of meas urements each of them belong to? V is square S is square t is square
- The most probable electron velocity with increasing temperature To 1) __ increases in proportion to T. 2) ...increases proportionally 71/2 4)...increases proportionally to T- 8) ...does not change. Specify the correct approval number.
- In the course of the experiment, the properties of the material of a some body were in vestigated, as a result of which the average density and its absolute error were obtained bar (rho )=3.51 Delta bar (rho )=0 Please select the correct record of the final result of this experiment rho =3.51pm 0.04 rho =(3.51pm 0.04)cm rho =(3.51pm 0.04)g/cm^3 rho =(3.51pm 0.04)g/cm rho =3.510pm 0.043 rho =(3.5100pm 0.0436)g/cm^3
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