- The most probable electron velocity with increasing temperature To 1) __ increases in proportion to T. 2) ...increases proportionally 71/2 4)...increases proportionally to T- 8) ...does not change. Specify the correct approval number.
- In the course of the experiment, the properties of the material of a some body were in vestigated, as a result of which the average density and its absolute error were obtained bar (rho )=3.51 Delta bar (rho )=0 Please select the correct record of the final result of this experiment rho =3.51pm 0.04 rho =(3.51pm 0.04)cm rho =(3.51pm 0.04)g/cm^3 rho =(3.51pm 0.04)g/cm rho =3.510pm 0.043 rho =(3.5100pm 0.0436)g/cm^3
- Maxwell's distribution function 1...shows what is the probability that the velocity of a given molecule has a value enclosed in asingle velocity interval including a given velocity. 2...is equal to the average velocity of the molecule at a given temperature. Specify the sum of the correct statement numbers.
- Specify the sum of the statement numbers that correctly reflect the properties of the Maxwell distribution function. 1. The Maxwell distribution function depends on temperature. 2. The Maxwell function is zero at v=0 and v=00. 4. Each value of the function F(v), except for the maximum.corresponds to two values of the velocity of molecules. 8. The derivative dF/dv is not zero at any speed values.
- The value of the delay voltage corresponding to the maximum of the derivativel has doubled. The most probable electron velocity... 1) ...increased by 2 times. 2) ...decreased by 2 times. 4) -increased by v2times. 8) ...increased by 4 times. Specify the correct approval number.
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