- No3 ABa Tejia , HaXO)INTCA B To4Kax , pacrloJIoxeHHbIX Ha OJHOH BepTHKaJIH Ha HeKOTopoi Bblcore Hall no- BepXHOCTbFO 3emJIH . PaccTosHHe Mexily 3THMH TO4KaMH -h=100M Tena 0,IHOBpeMeHHO 6pocaror: TeJTO, KOTOpoe HaX0/IHTCA Hurke - BepTHKaJIbHO BBepx c HaYaJbHOH CKOpOCTbro V_(0) , BTOpoe - BepTH- KaJIbHO BHH3 C HaqaJIbHOH CKOpOCTbIO 2v_(0)(v_(0)=25M/c) Ha KaKoM paccrosHHH OT HayaJbHoro nomo- XKeHHA HHXHero Tena 3TH Tejla CTOJIKHYTCA? g=10M/c^2 OTBeT B Merpax OKpyTIHTb 10 Hecst TbIX HO IIpaBHJaM OKpyTJIeHHSI H BBeCTH B HOJIe OTBeTa. __ Coxparms orser
- 2. A projectile fired vertically upwards exploded into two fragments at the top of the trajectory. The velocity,of the first fragment weighing 0.5 kg immediately after the rupture is directed horizon- tally and is equal to 800m/s. The mass of the second fragment is 2 kg . Accept that the resistance of the spirit can be ignored. a) What is the momentum of the first fragment immediately after the rupture? b) What is the velocity of the second fragment immediately after the rupture? c) Which fragment will fall to the ground first?Justify your answer.
- Variant 1 1 Length of a pendulum is equal to 7,31pm 0,62 Find relative error. Express the answer in terms of percentages. Round the answer to hundredths. 2 How will the volume of the cylinder increase with an increase in the radius of the base by 4 times and the height by 6 times? 4 How should the mass of a mathematical pendulum be changed so that its oscillation frequency increases by 2 times? A) increase by 4 times B) decrease by 2 times C) decrease by 4 times D) increase by 2 times E) nothing needs to be changed 3 In free fall, how much will the speed of the falling body increase in 12 seconds of falling? 5. A thrown body expiriences weightlessness __ a)at the maximum height b)never c)during all its flight
- Option 1 1. A ball weighing 250g fell to the stone floor at a speed of 3m/s and bounced up with the same modulo velocity. The duration of the ball'interaction with the floor is 0.1 seconds. a) What is the modulus of the momentum of the ball before hitting the floor? b) What is the modulo change in the momentum of the ball as a result of impact? b) What is the average pressure force of the ball on the floor during impact?
- 5.1. Kakyro Temrieparypy T HMeeT Macca m=2r a3ora, 3aHHMaroulero 06 bem V=820cm^3 p=0,2 MHa?
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